In the world of espionage we rarely imagine animals, and if so, we think of them as merely anecdotes, a strange side note to history. What started as a collection of anecdotes, in the form of contemporary media frenzy, namely articles about animals accused of spying, turned into an ongoing investigative project(s). With Marta Bogdańska’s monumental work SHIFTERS and her new endeavour Vive la résistance!, we can delve deeper into animal agency, subjectivity and intentionality. I wanted to find out what she sees and how she relates to issues that go beyond the human experience.
1. Why do we need animals to spy on us?
2. Do you believe in fragility?
3. Have you ever felt really empty?
4. How to avoid propaganda?
5. Do you want to know the future?
6. Do you ever go with the flow?
7. Is virtual reality interesting for you?
Questions: Federica Chiocchetti / Photocaptionist
Images: Marta Bogdánska