Online creation
Print error / Publishing in the digital age
An exhibition curated by Alessandro Ludovico.
From 23 October 2012 to 07 April 2014
Jeu de Paume – Online
This online exhibition proposes to highlight, in a critical, conceptual and experimental way, one of the most important contemporary phenomena: the radical transformation of print media and its impacts on transmission of information and preservation of contents.
If print is not obsolete yet, at least it is in a deep mutation phase, mainly because of the fact that the role of print is going to be partially devoured by screens. When a newer powerful technology seems to change the established system rules, then the whole system slowly reacts. So facing a mass murdering of newspapers as we know them now, and a periodical press in a very near future, we are facing radical changes like the atomization of content and the implementation of the Apple/iTunes paradigm (digitalization of everything, sold then even in smaller digital pieces). On the other end, some publishers (and artists) are focusing on print as a peculiar (stable and durable) medium and the gestures it can trigger. Truth seems to be that print (once defined as the medium with the best “interface”) and digital are getting “married”, and that is exactly when the real problems start.
“Print Error: Publishing in the Digital Age” presents these changes, investigating how artists, theorists and practitioners are dealing with this pivotal mutation and some of its direct consequences. Through a selection of online works, the exhibition features international artists and collectives.