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Online creation


As part of "A propos du Chthulucène et de ses espèces camarades"

From 01 May 2017 to 30 November 2018

Ecosystem of Excess by Pinar Yoldas is part of the project « A propos du Chthulucène et de ses espèces camarades » proposed by Maria Ptqk for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

Ecosystem of Excess is an exercise in anticipative zoology inspired by the so-called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. That place, the estimated size of which is equivalent to the whole of central Europe, is one of the most important vertices of accumulation of microplastics in the oceans and a threat for the whole of marine biodiversity. But it is also the habitat of certain microorganisms, such as unicellular algae and bacteria that have begun to adapt and proliferate in it. This particular ecosystem produced by human activity has also been called the Plastisphere.

Taking this scientific evidence as her starting point, Pinar Yoldas imagines the new animal species that might emerge from this primeval soup. The result is a speculative bestiary populated by resilient insects, reptiles, birds and fish endowed with mutant organs capable of metabolising plastic. Utopic model organisms that, despite their fictitious nature, enable us to explore the sympoietic relationships that are already taking place in the oceans.

Pinar Yoldas

Pinar Yoldas defines herself as an infradisciplinary designer/artist/researcher. Her work develops within biological sciences and digital technologies through architectural installations, kinetic sculpture, sound, video and drawing with a focus on post-humanism, eco-nihilism, anthropocene and feminist technoscience. She holds a Ph.D. from Duke University where she was affiliated with Duke Institute of Brain Sciences and Media Arts and Sciences. She holds a Bachelors of Architecture from Middle East Technical University, a Master of Arts from Bilgi University, a Master of Science from Istanbul Technical University and a Master of Fine Arts from University of California, Los Angeles where she worked at the Art|Sci Center and the UCLA Game lab. Her book An Ecosystem of Excess was published by ArgoBooks in 2014.