
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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As part of Futurs non conformes #3

From 01 May to 31 October 2017

Magnetoceptia by Patrizia Ruthensteiner & Dewi de Vree is part of the exhibition “Futurs non-conforme#3” proposed by Nicolas Maigret and Maria Roszkowska for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

Magnetoceptia is a series of performances and installations in which self constructed antenna-based costumes pick up electromagnetic fields and other invisible phenomena and make them audible through electronic sound. The project is an investigation on different sonic and material properties of natural environments contrasting with urban landscapes, and a visualization of physical phenomena that primarily appear to be invisible for the human gaze. Extensions of our rudimentary animal senses are being developed to make those phenomena perceivable. The positions and movements of the performers, relative to the space and each other, modulate the experienced sound.

Patrizia Ruthensteiner & Dewi de Vree

Patrizia Ruthensteiner i(AT) is an interdisciplinary artist from Vienna whose work is based on wearable art and experimental costume design and construction, oscillating between performance, sound art, fashion, stage design and installation, contributing to the reformulation of genres through the creation of multisensorial and boundary-transcending art projects. She creates interdisciplinary costume scenarios and compositions presented as parallel universes of hybrid existences in continuous transformation in which pre-determined valuations of subjectivity and physical form are pushed into absurdity. As natural and abandoned places become the stages and catwalks for those performances the predetermined purpose of common platforms of representation are being redefined constantly.

Dewi de Vree is a multi-media artist from The Netherlands who deals with the sensual experience of physical experiments. With a background in the visual arts and her fascination for the interaction between man and machine, she’s been making different translating-machines, sound interfaces, performances and installations. Examples of her work include Elektrolab, a sound performance based on electrochemistry, Thermokoppel, a live sound-performance based on the relation between temperature and the acoustic properties of metal, Ground, an audiovisual performance in which graphite drawings are used as a control interface for several electronic instruments.