
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

Online creation


As part of Futurs non conformes #3

From 01 May to 31 October 2017

City Everywhere by Liam Young is part of the exhibition “Futurs non-conforme#3” proposed by Nicolas Maigret and Maria Roszkowska for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

Our luminous technologies cast shadows that stretch across the planet. Join speculative architect Liam Young and a fictional Kim Kardashian as they go on a storytelling walking tour through the flickering screen and beyond the fog of the cloud, to explore City Everywhere, a fictional city of the near future, extrapolated from the fears and wonders of an increasingly complex present. With spoken word and a rapid fire assault of film, animation and live sound mixing Liam and Kim journey to a place found somewhere between the real and the imagined, stitched together from fragments of distant landscapes, extreme mega cities and designed urban fictions.

Liam Young

Liam Young is an Australian born architect who operates in the spaces between design, fiction and futures. He is founder of the think tank Tomorrows Thoughts Today, a group whose work explores the possibilities of fantastic, speculative and imaginary urbanisms. Building his design fictions from the realities of present Young also co runs the Unknown Fields Division, a nomadic research studio that travels on location shoots and expeditions to the ends of the Earth to document emerging trends and uncover the weak signals of possible futures. He has taught internationally including the Architectural Association and Princeton University and now runs an MA in Fiction and Entertainment at SciArc. Liam manages his time between exploring distant landscapes and visualising the fictional worlds he extrapolates from them.

Project produced with the support of the Jeu de Paume.