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As part of Futurs non conformes. #2 Passages à l'acte

From 01 October 2016 to 30 April 2017

3D Additivist Cookbook by Daniel Rourke & Morehshin Allahyari is part of the project “Futurs non conformes. #2 Passages à l’acte” for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

Even if its use is not yet widespread, 3D printing is emblematic of modern technology. The 3D Additivist Cookbook is a compendium of strategies that aim to turn 3D printing into a tool for emancipation, activism and disruption. It follows on from a manifesto that proposed to push additive technologies (including 3D printing) to their absolute limit and beyond into the realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. In 2015 Daniel Rourke and Morehshin Allahyari, the artists behind this « open-source cookbook », called for projects and radical ideas that cut across the fields of art, engineering and science. The resulting 3D Additivist Cookbook brings together speculative texts, 3D models, prototypes, recipes and practical suggestions.

3D Additivist Cookbook Daniel Rourke & Morehshin Allahyari

Morehshin Allahyari is a new media artist, activist, educator, and occasional curator. She was born and raised in Iran and moved to the United States in 2007. Her work extensively deals with the political, social, and cultural contradictions we face every day. She thinks about technology as a philosophical toolset to reflect on objects; a poetic mean to document the personal and collective lives we live and our struggles as humans in the 21st century.

Daniel Rourke is a writer/artist and PhD researcher in Art based at Goldsmiths, University of London. His research hijacks speculative and science fiction in search of a radical ‘outside’ to the human(ities), including extensive writing on the intersection between digital materiality, the arts, and posthumanism.