
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

Online creation


As part of Futurs non conformes #1 Mythologies

From 01 October 2016 to 30 April 2017

What Shall We Do Next? by Julien Prévieux is part of the project “Futurs non conformes #1” for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

Julien Prévieux projects us into our corporal future with an inventory of gestures designed with future interfaces in mind. His animated short film defines itself as an « archive of gestures to come. » It is based on patent applications for new man-machine interfaces that were filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) between 2006 and 2011. Using new machines (tablets, mobile phones, computers, medical devices, games consoles etc) will require new gestures which are specified and patented, even if the object itself does not exist yet.

Recognising that technology influences behaviour and that these behaviours belong increasingly to the realm of private property, the artist takes possession of these gestures and distances them from their utilitarian function. He imagines a succession of figures that seem to float on the surface of the screen, transforming an instructional video into an abstract choreography.

This work is part of one of the main themes tackled by the artist: studying how our environment, whether social or technological, contributes to configuring our body. It also resonates with another area of Julien Prévieux’s research into outdated innovations and the old-fashioned take on modernity which, once forgotten, is no more than a trace of a future imagined in years gone by.


Julien Prévieux

Julien Prévieux lives and works in Paris. His work has been exhibited in France (Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Frac Basse-Normandie; Galerie Jousse Entreprise, Paris; Galerie Edouard Manet, Genneviliers), The Netherlands (Witte de With, Rotterdam), Austria (Kunsthalle Krems), Taiwan (Kaohsiung Museum), Los Angeles (Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery) and at the 10th Istanbul Biennale, Turkey. He is prizewinner of the 2014 Prix Marcel Duchamp. His work developed by interviewing worlds of work, economics, politics or playing with the controls, advanced technologies and management theories.