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Online creation


As part of "Form@ts Cycle Side Effects"

From 16 July 2021 to 22 October 2012

Ascii history of moving images by Vuk Ćosić is part of the exhibition “Form@ts Cycle Side Effects” proposed by Christophe Bruno in collaboration with Samuel Tronçon and Chrystelle Desbordes, for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

In Ascii history of moving images, Vuk Ćosić, one of the founders of the movement, plays on the tension between digital and analogue formats, between code and culture. By taking up some key works from the history of moving images, he probes the way in which the question of the medium, whether old or new, interweaves with the utopias and dystopias of modernity.

Vuk Ćosić

Vuk Ćosić (born on 1966 in Belgrade) is a Slovenian artist, involved in politics, literature and arts and trained as an archeologist. He has exhibited, published and been active online since 1994. Internet veteran, he is the promoter of the term, precursory genre of online Art. He is co-founder of the Ljubljana Digital Medialab, Nettime and Syndicate and has had several exhibitions worldwide.
For many years, Ćosić practiced the ASCII Art (1996-2001), which consists in producing images using only letters and special characters contained in the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). He created during this period Art for the Blind, ASCII Unreal, ASCII Camera, ASCII Architecture, Deep ASCII and ASCII History of Moving Image. In 1997, he designed History of Art For Airports, which consists of a series of pictograms taking up the great works of contemporary art, such as the Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp.