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Meeting Point #5 Dork Zabunyan & Sandra Delacourt: A Walk through the Supermarket of Images

Doctor in Contemporary Art History at Université Paris 1, a specialist in American art of the 1960s, Sandra Delacourt is also a critic, interrogating the relationships between regimes of visibility of our present history and the knowledge enabling us to grasp this history. She covers a vast field of disciplinary practices – from anthropology to natural history, from philosophy to the history of techniques – and her research in art never fails to reveal the transversality running through these, as she traces their relationship in the context of globalized capitalism. With a concrete approach inspired by Michel Foucault, and in an ongoing perceptive confrontation with artworks, she untangles power structures linking knowledge to our ways of seeing, and develops a critical discourse that places our modes of both perceiving and contemplating objects and actions on hold. In this perspective, this Meeting Point with Sandra Delacourt sketches out a path through “The Supermarket of Images” and the issues it raises at the crossroads of disciplines, from the economic constraints it questions to the political outcomes it presents. (DZ)

Dork Zabunyan
Translation : Sara Heft


A historian of contemporary art, Sandra Delacourt is a researcher associated with the HiCSA research unit (Université Paris 1 Pathéon-Sorbonne) and a professor at ESAD TALM-Tours. Concerned with emerging phenomena in the field of art, her work deals with processes of artistic recognition, political regimes of visibility, as well as the construction of knowledge and historical narratives. Her publications include: L’artiste-chercheur, un rêve américain au prisme de Donald Judd (B42, 2019), “Arpenter un présent sans fin” in Bruno Serralongue, “Les Naturalistes en lutte sur la ZAD de Notre-Dame-des-Landes” (GwinZegal, 2019), Le Chercheur et ses doubles (B42, 2016).
Publications available at the Jeu de Paume bookstore:

Dork Zabunyan is a professor of film studies at Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis. He contributes to various periodicals, including Trafic, Critique, Les Cahiers du cinéma and Les Cahiers du MNAM. He recently published L’insistance des luttes – Images, soulèvements, contre-révolutions (de l’incidence éditeur, 2016), translated into English: The Insistence of Struggle – Images-uprisings-counter-revolutions (trans. Stefan Tarnowski, IF Publications, 2019), alongside Foucault at the Movies (with Patrice Maniglier, trans. Clare O’Farrell, Columbia University Press, 2018). He is currently preparing an essay on images of Donald Trump. Publications available at the Jeu de Paume bookstore:

The Supermarket of images