
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.


Thibaut Cuisset


From 26 November 2021 to 29 May 2022

Between 2001 and 2010, as part of his research into the landscape and the French countryside, Thibaut Cuisset photographed the Loire and its immediate surroundings on numerous occasions, particularly in the Centre-Val de Loire region, in response to several commissions: in 2001, at the initiative of the Images au Centre festival, in 2002, focusing on the area of Amilly (Loiret), and then, in 2004, in the Pays de la Loire region, with the support of the town of Saumur (Maine-et-Loire). This series continued in 2010 with La Loire de la source à l’estuaire, the result of work carried out in the Haute-Loire following the award of the Académie des Beaux-arts in 2009 and a commission linked to the opening of the Maison de Loire at Mont Gerbier de Jonc. For this occasion Thibaut Cuisset produced a series of photographs taken at regular intervals along the river.

For the first time, all of these series will be brought together in the exhibition, allowing an in-depth understanding of this work on the landscape carried out over a decade. “For me, it is not a question of journeys in the romantic sense, of autobiographical journeys, or of states of mind, but of a method that allows me to work on what can be called motifs”, explained Thibaut Cuisset in 2004. This work is done with a photographic camera and in colour, putting the temptation of the picturesque and dramatic effect at bay, striving to cast a neutral and calm eye on things and, in the author’s own words, “to find a way of looking at the world by creating images that I believe to be the most accurate possible”.

practical information

For all information concerning your visit or your reservation at the Château de Tours, click here

Curators of the exhibition: Camille Cuisset and Quentin Bajac
Exhibition produced by the Jeu de Paume in collaboration with the City of Tours.

FONDATION D’ENTREPRISE NEUFLIZE OBC has chosen to support this exhibition.