
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Les Inséparables Horloge, 67 x120 x 15 cm
Œuvre produite par La Manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre, partenaire privilégié de l’exposition.
© Esther Shalev-Gerz, ADAGP, Paris 2010


Esther Shalev-Gerz

From 09 February to 06 June 2010

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Esther Shalev-Gerz was born in Vilnius, Lithuania, and grew up in Israel. She has lived in Paris since 1984. In her work of this internationally renowned artist, the Other is treated as a counterpart, someone with and through whose agency a process of sharing is developed. Her works therefore solicit an alterity, be it that of the people involved in making them or of the people looking at them.

Esther Shalev-Gerz takes an intuitive approach to the portrait, which she apprehends as a possible reflection of a person, place or event that in itself is never stable or definitive. She is interested in people and in what they say or do not say (their silence) – in their experience, their way of resisting and surpassing their own limits, their way of telling their story, etc.

Her installations, photographs, videos and sculptures are often conceived in response to commissions for public space or invitations to work in a specific context or with a defined community. Consequently, her works are intimately bound up with an active dialogue between institutions, participants and the public.

Curator: Marta Gili

Exhibition organized with the support of the Manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre

In partnership with A Nous, Blast, de l’air,,,