
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Buone Nuove, B/N 3 Courtesy de l’artiste


Blow-up / “Side-Effects” cycle

Exhibition online

From 21 September 2011 to 15 March 2012

Jeu de Paume – Online

To what degree is the world of information controlled? What are the modes of access to it, the ways of appropriating it? Does this fictional space at the heart of reality have any impact on the real? These are questions asked by “Blow-up.”

Inspired by artistic strategies of media infiltration, “Blow-up” explores the temporary spaces that open up in infotainment, the combination of information and entertainment purveyed by the media, public space and events, advertising, social networks and other codified systems. The exhibition questions the erasure of the boundary between the spectacular side of the information world and the territory of intimacy, resulting from the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0.

The “Blow-up” platform fully exploits the potential of the most recent social media. While the exhibition space is purely virtual, the artistic performances and devices are capable of infiltrating real places (company offices, art venues, urban space, etc.), the media (press, television) and the internet (Twitter, Facebook, Google+). The propositions by the artists bring into play phenomena of infiltration, reappropriation and interference. They enter a diverse range of terrains and mediums and open onto a broad spectrum, ranging from micro-actions to spectacular phenomena, a spectrum through which they will spread on a multiplicity of scales and rhythms, thereby increasing their “visibility value” in the economy of the immaterial.

The projects will be progressively integrated into the platform in the course of the exhibition. The narrative flows associated with each project will be recorded by the artists by means of social media. Web users will share and spread the information over the Web, thus helping to constitute a media and artistic space that is constantly recreating itself.

A database concerning artistic interventions in the media – from Andre Cadere to Daniel Buren and Gianni Motti to Mathhieu Laurette – will also be accessible on the “Blow-up” site.

“Blow-up” is an evolving system proposed for Jeu de Paume’s “espace virtuel” by the curators Christophe Bruno and Daniele Balit.
With interventions by Natasha Rosling, Jean-Baptiste Bayle, Carlo Steiner, Charlie Jeffery, Didier Courbot, Dora García and Jimpunk.
espace virtuel > 21 September 2011 — 15 March 2012

> The project by Natasha Rosling acknowledges support from DICRéAM (Ministry of Culture and Communication) and help from Blink Giant Media Solutions and Chris Stocker Design

> The project by Jean-Baptiste Bayle acknowledges support from DICRéAM (Ministry of Culture and Communication)

> The “Blow-up” platform was created in collaboration with and

> espace virtuel acknowledges the support of
Les Amis du Jeu de Paume