
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Jimmy Robert : "Langue matérielle" Photo Agnès Geoffray.
© Jimmy Robert


Jimmy Robert: Langue matérielle

Satellite 5 / Curator: Filipa Oliveira

From 21 February to 29 April 2012

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Jimmy Robert makes images that will then become sculptural or filmic installations. Movement,
appropriation, and poetic acts are at the center of his practice, which is developed through all sorts of media: performance, actions, films, photographs and publications. Robert explores a dialogue between his body and its representation, which explores the limits of the image as well as language and the gap amidst the two.

His films and photographs are often composed of found images along his own that are transformed through various layering or manipulations, focusing on the transience of both the image and the process that leads to it. By spotlighting these particular moments, Robert transforms everyday gestures into mesmerizing delicate choreographies. Some of his works also constitute appropriations of historical works by other artists and writers, as in the case of Figure de Style (2008), an oblique intervention on Yoko Ono’s Cut Piece (1964) asking the spectators to rip pieces of masking tape off Robert’s torso.

Jimmy Robert, French, born in 1975, lives in Brussels.

> Curator: Filipa Oliveira

> The Fondation nationale des arts graphiques et plastiques (FNAGP) contributes to the production of the works of the Satellite program.

Satellite 5 is organized in collaboration with
The Fondation Calouste Gulbekian, the Instituto Camões
and the Embassy of Portugal in France.

In partnership with art press, and Radio Nova.

Acknowledgments to Sandeman and Ferreira Porto.