Courtesy : Camera Austria, Graz
Pierre Bourdieu. Images of Algeria
Château de Tours
From 16 June to 04 November 2012
Jeu de Paume – Tours
The collaboration between Camera Austria, Graz, Franz Schultheis / Fondation Pierre Bourdieu, Geneva, and French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) culminated in a comprehensive project. Pierre Bourdieu entrusted his complete archive of photographs taken during his fieldwork in Algeria between the 1958 and 1961 — as he said his earliest and also most topical work — to Franz Schultheis and Camera Austria with a view to making these photographs available to the public in an exhibition and a printed publication.
Bourdieu helped to examine and organise the photographs and place them into the context of the ethnographic and sociological studies, which Bourdieu conducted in Algeria during the same period.
The exhibition “Pierre Bourdieu. Images of Algeria” shows the photographic works of Pierre Bourdieu, taken during his fieldwork between 1958 and 1961, in the period of the war of liberation in Algeria. The exhibition places these photographic documents in the context of Bourdieu’s ethnographic and sociological studies of that time. Bourdieu’s pioneering field research, which is here supplemented by his own photographs, provides an insight into the development of his sociological tenets. In addition to illuminating the evolution of his work, the photographs are also impressive documents of social history, which — even after five decades — have lost none of their immediacy and relevance.
To watch the “video portrait” of the exhibition:
Exhibition prepared in collaboration with Pierre Bourdieu
and curated by Christine Frisinghelli, Camera Austria, Graz
and Franz Schultheis, Fondation Bourdieu / University of Geneva.
Exhibition organized and produced by Camera Austria, Graz
and the Fondation Bourdieu, Saint Gallen (Switzerland)
in collaboration with Jeu de Paume and the city of Tours.
In partnership with Courrier international, Le Magazine Littéraire,
France Bleu Touraine and France Culture.
25 avenue André Malraux – 37000 Tours
Tél. : 02 47 70 88 46