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Shot Against Time © E. Bavcar (courtesy)

Course & Conference

When images enter the world. Dynamis de l'image III

International symposium directed by Emmanuel Alloa and Chiara Cappelletto

From 04 to 05 June 2015

Jeu de Paume – Paris

What happens when images enter the world? How can an imago mundi come to us today, now that the spatio-temporal ties of living together have been snapped, giving way to chaotic assertions of identity based on signs whose origins were forgotten long ago? We have decided to put our trust in the images, in their amazing generosity, in their power, with its infinite potential for reactivation, and to follow them through a variety of geographies and temporalities, rejecting both claims to definitive definitions and lame relativism.

That images have their own autonomous power, able to withstand attempts both old and new to make them subservient to other needs, this is a conviction that has only grown with the work done by the international network of researchers who spent two years exploring a number of connections in the history of the Western practice and theorisation of the image. Using the notion of dynamis, we followed the forgotten paths of what had the potential to be an alternative conception of the image, different from the one that led to the current exhaustion.
For this symposium, we take a decentred perspective, openly engaging with the multipolar nature of the contemporary world where images are born and set in motion, while also setting in motion those who observe them. For the dynamic attested by images today images our world: tormented, turbulent and refractory.

The international symposium Quand les images viennent au monde : Dynamis de l’image III terminates the Dynamis de l’image : pour une archéologie des possibles project entrusted to Emmanuel Alloa and Chiara Cappelletto in 2012 by the Collège d’Études Mondiales at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in partnership with the Gerda Henkel Stiftung in Düsseldorf.

International symposium directed by Emmanuel Alloa and Chiara Cappelletto, organised by the Collège d’Études Mondiales at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in partnership with the Gerda Henkel Stiftung in Düsseldorf and with the collaboration of Jeu de Paume.

With Linda Báez-Rubí, Hans Belting, Susan Buck-Morss, Georges Didi-Huberman, François Jullien, Monica Juneja, WJT Mitchell, Marie-José Mondzain and Morad Montazami.

Jeu de Paume – Concorde, Paris, 4 and 5 June 2015
Admission free (capacity permitting)

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