
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Le Fond de l’air est rouge


Le Fond de l’air est rouge (Grin Without a Cat)

by Chris Marker

Saturday 19 November 2016 • 2:00 PM

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Georges Didi-Huberman and Jeu de Paume have put together a programme of films and discussions to amplify the themes of the exhibition “Soulèvements.” It includes Chris Marker’s Le Fond de l’air est rouge.

To probe our unconscious in images in relation to the precise theme of changes in political consciousness and issues between 1967 and 1977: this was Chris Marker’s chief objective in making Le Fond de l’air est rouge. Alternating between television archive images and a montage of film sequences, this work articulates multiple perspectives to provide an overview of major political events of the 1960s: from Che Guevara to Rudi Dutschke, from Lenin to Mao, from Rue de Charonne to Rue Gay-Lussac, from Cuba to Santiago, it follows the rise and fall of revolutionary utopias.

At the end of the film, a running credit informs us that “The true authors of this film are the countless cameramen, technical operators, witnesses and activists whose work is constantly pitted against that of governments, who would like us to have no memory.”

Marker’s goal: to show the beauty of insubordination.

Le Fond de l’air est rouge by Chris Marker (France, 1977, restored version, 180’). Screening Saturday 19 November at 2 pm.
Admission: 3 euros or free with exhibition ticket (only on the same day).