
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Qu’ils reposent en révolte © Sylvain George


Qu’ils reposent en révolte (May They Rest in Revolt)

by Sylvain George

Saturday 07 January 2017 • 4:00 PM

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Georges Didi-Huberman and Jeu de Paume have put together a programme of films and discussions to amplify the themes of the exhibition “Soulèvements.” It includes Qu’ils reposent en révolte, a film by Sylvain George. This will be shown in the presence of the director, with a live musical score by Sylvain Luc.

Made up of interlocking and interacting fragments, forming a kaleidoscope of times and spaces, this film covers the living conditions of migrants in Calais over a period of three years (July 2007–January 2010). By this simple act it decries the policies of modern police states whose extra-legal actions create grey zones, interstices, spaces where the rule and its exceptions become indistinct. Individuals are thus treated as criminals, are stripped of their most basic rights as legal subjects, reduced to the state of “pure bodies” or “naked life.” War figures.

“What Sylvain George shows us is precisely the atmosphere of the Jungle, the geography of the Jungle, this permanent feeling of survival, this ante-human state maintained by the situation of permanent ambush. As a result of this immersion in black and white, we literally start to hallucinate, becoming incapable of recognising anything from Calais or any element of a functioning democracy in what is no more than a shameful relation of hunter and hunted.” (Philippe Azoury)

Qu’ils reposent en révolte by Sylvain George (France, 2011, 153’).
For this exceptional screening in the presence of the director, the film will be accompanied by internationally known jazz guitarist Sylvain Luc, winner of a Djangodor in 2007 and the Django Reinhardt prize in 2011.

Saturday 7 January at 4 pm. Admission: 3 euros or free with exhibition ticket (only on the same day).