
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Optical Sockets Installation vidéo en circuit fermé, dimensions variables, 4 caméras vidéo de surveillance, 4 moniteurs vidéo CRT, 1 mixer vidéo.
Courtesy de l’artiste et de la Cristin Tierney Gallery. Installation à l’Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY, 1974 – Photo Christopher Coughlan, courtesy Paula Cooper Gallery. © Peter Campus 2017


peter campus. video ergo sum

Discussion with Peter Campus

Tuesday 14 February 2017 • 6:30 PM

Jeu de Paume – Paris

American artist Peter Campus (born 1937, New York) is up among the most influential pioneers of video art, alongside Bruce Nauman, Nam June Paik, Joan Jonas, Vito Acconci and Bill Viola.
Throughout his career he has made videos, installations and numerous photographs. In his most recent video works, Campus uses digital technology to work on the image pixel by pixel, like a painter. He is now continuing his experiments with an extremely high-definition camera. His works are held in many of the world’s leading museums of contemporary art.

“video ergo sum,” the artist’s first solo show in France, goes back over Campus’s career, from his experiments with video in the 1970s to his more recent works with digital video.

This meeting with the artist will also showcase a new publication, peter campus, in the presence of Anne-Marie Duguet, curator of the exhibition, who will discuss his work with Marcella Lista, Mathilde Roman and Françoise Parfait. After the discussion, there will be a book-signing session in the bookshop.


6.30 pm: presentation of the book peter campus, a coedition by Anarchive and Jeu de Paume, conceived in collaboration with Peter Campus.
With the artist and Anne-Marie Duguet, curator of the exhibition and director of Anarchive.

7 pm: round table with Peter Campus, Marcella Lista, curator at the Centre Pompidou, and Mathilde Roman, art critic, moderated by Françoise Parfait, professor at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

8.30 pm: book signing by Peter Campus.

Meet the artist: Peter Campus, Tuesday 14 February, 6.30–9 pm, Jeu de Paume auditorium.
First come first served.