À propos du Chthulucène et de ses espèces camarades
Discussion with Maria Ptqk, Špela Petrič, Annick Bureaud and Sophie Fernandez
Tuesday 05 December 2017 • 7:00 PM
Jeu de Paume – Paris
On the occasion of the exhibition “À propos du Chthulucène et de ses espèces camarades” in its online art space, Jeu de Paume is presenting a discussion with Maria Ptqk, Špela Petrič, Annick Bureaud and Sophie Fernandez.
“ À propos du Chthulucène et de ses espèces camarades” reflects on a myth formulated by the biologist and philosopher of science Donna Haraway in her latest book, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene. Here, the author of the Cyborg Manifesto articulates a figure that enables us to “think the unthinkable” in today’s environmental crisis and the new narratives that this is bringing forth. These are imposing a redefinition of the natural sciences and humanisms and signalling a strong comeback by science fiction, scientific fictions and speculative fables.
Haraway’s Chthulucene responds to the Anthropocene with a series of minor, mingled stories emanating from other forms of life and their reciprocal interactions or their reactions to the human. The aim is to rewrite the history of evolution “in a much more modest tone, in the spirit of a sociability emanating from all the communities that are fabricating a life together.” Where the monster evoked by Lovecraft may inspire terror and light, Haraway’s Chthulu, in contrast, invokes the encounter with other forms of life, “multi-specific alliances for collaborative survival.”
In this context, the notion of “companion spaces” refers to the biodiversity of the planet, to different species (animals, plants, bacteria, fungi) with which we share it, and to the ecosystem of practices and debates that dialogue with the mythical figure of Chthulucène: the artistic experience of biolabs, speculative biology, the politics of transgenic organisms, alternative taxonomies and systems of experimental knowledge.
Presentation of the project by Maria Ptkq, curator and independent researcher, curator of the exhibition “ À propos du Chthulucène et de ses espèces camarades.”
Presentation of the work “Ectogenesis ” by Špela Petrič, an artist featured in the exhibition.
Intervention regarding “Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef” by Annick Bureaud, art critic and curator specialising in the links between art, science and technology
Presentation of the “Speculative evolution” workshop by Sophie Fernandez, scientific illustrator at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle.
Discussion at the Jeu de Paume auditorium, Tuesday 5 December from 7 to 9 pm.
Admission free, capacity allowing.
Information: infoauditorium@jeudepaume.org