
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Alissa, discussion avec Miladus, Elon/120

Online creation

Agnès de Cayeux: "Alissa, discussion with Miladus, Elon/120/211/501"

Internet work in collaboration with Milad Doueihi

From 31 March to 17 November 2010

Jeu de Paume – Online

The year is 2066.
Alissa is a “bot” – a computer programme that interacts with a server as if it were human – who is active on the Second Life network.

Miladus is an avatar of the historian of religions Milad Doueihi. Miladus is another denizen of Second Life, like Alissa.

On Second Life Alissa and Miladus engage in a continuous discussion in French in which visitors to the Jeu de Paume website are invited to take part…

Project presented 31 March–17 November 2010 on > espace virtuel
and in the Jeu de Paume resources room.
Curator: Marta Ponsa in collaboration with the artist.

In partnership with x-réseau (development: Estelle Senay/
avatar modelling: Faustine Imako) with the support of DICRéAM –
Ministry of Culture and Communication.