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François Kollar, Retrospective

Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie, Aurillac

From 10 July to 29 September 2007


The career of an eclectic and inspired photographer at the crossroads of the humanist reportage tradition (La France travaille) and the avant-garde of the 1930s (Le Normandie, photomontages). A “worker of the gaze” in the service of fashion (Hermès, Balenciaga, Chanel, Lanvin), advertising (Gramophone, Ovomaltine) and the portrait (assignments for Harper’s Bazaar, L’Illustration, Vu, Voilà and Plaisir de France).

Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie
37 rue des Carmes
15 000 Aurillac
Tél. 04 71 45 46 10