
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Une vie radieuse


Journeys into the City

Films in relation with the Valérie Jouve exhibition

From 06 June to 22 September 2015

Jeu de Paume – Paris

The “personages,” “passers-by” and “territories” who articulate the world of Valérie Jouve are the guiding thread in this set of films conceived as an echo to her exhibition. In each screening, the pronounced, autonomous movements of figures in architecture or landscape combine with anonymous walkers in the street. We see them posing in A Radiant Life by Meryll Hardt and in By the Deep-Blue Sea by Boris Barnet, and we follow them in their urban peregrinations in the films of Jem Cohen, Jim Jennings, Ed van der Elsken and Johan van der Keuken. In the end, the encounters between bodies in Ahmad Natche’s film, Deux mètres de cette terre, leads to the construction of a territory. With the personal collaboration of Valérie Jouve, this programme, which also includes a carte blanche selection by the artist, attempts to open up a time in which each individual can project themselves subjectively, freely and creatively into the space of images that concern (and look out at) us.

Programming: Marina Vinyes Albes

Saturday 6 June, 11 am
Time Is Working Around Rotterdam (2006) by Valérie Jouve.
Screening in the presence of Valérie Jouve.
Part of the Hospitalités, Tram sequence.

Tuesday 16 June, 7 pm
The personages
A Radiant Life (2013) de Meryll Hardt.
Cinq points de vue autorisés sur les Courtillières (2014) by Julie Desprairies and Vladimir Léon.
Au bord de la mer bleue (1936) by Boris Barnet.
In the presence of Meryll Hardt.

Tuesday 23 June, 7 pm
Screening of short films by Ed van der Elsken, Johan van der Keuken, Jim Jennings and Jem Cohen
Presented by Marina Vinyes Albes.

Tuesday 15 September, 7 pm
Deux mètres de cette terre (2012) by Ahmad Natche.
Presented by the director.

Tuesday 22 September, 7.30 pm
Carte blanche to Valérie Jouve
Restored Pictures (2012) by Mahasen Nasser-Eldin.
Vers Mathilde (2005) by Claire Denis.
Presented by Valérie Jouve.