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Les Grands Turbulents. Portraits de groupes 1880-1980

Discussion with Rémi Collignon, Erell Guillemer, Jean Lauxerois, Anne Longuet-Marx, Nicole Marchand-Zañartu and Salima Tenfiche

Tuesday 19 March 2019 • 7:00 PM

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Jeu de Paume and Médiapop Éditions are organising a discussion and signing to mark the publication of Les Grands Turbulents. Portraits de groupes 1880-1980, with six of the authors: Anne Longuet-Marx (Hylaea group), Jean Lauxerois (Les Romantiques d’Iéna), Erell Guillemer (Groupe Ma and Jikken Kobo), Rémi Collignon (Les Phrères Simplistes), Nicole Marchand-Zañartu (Origenes) and Salima Tenfiche (The Hungryalists).

After a slide show and general presentation of the book by Nicole Marchand-Zañartu, each of the contributors will relate their experience of interpreting their photographs and read a short chosen excerpt from the text about their chosen group.

Some were rowdy, others more discreet, even taciturn. Some are familiar, others unknown or have perhaps been forgotten. All had plans to resist the way of the world, as it was then or as it looked set to become. United by friendship, intellectual affinities and collective activity, they were called Grand Jeu, Die Brücke, Stridentistes, CoBrA, Futuristes, Der blaue Reiter, Gutaï, OBeRIou, OHO, Zero and Dada… to name but a few. They left in their wake a surprising corpus: manifestos, journals, collective works, exhibition reliefs showing their union in the most inventive, even extreme ways: against adversity.
One tangible token of their shared adventure: a photograph, sometimes improvised. Here we see them earnest and playful, natural and sophisticated, provocative and mocking, bright suns or shooting stars; they pose for the lens and for eternity.
To pen the portraits of these Grands Turbulents, using a photograph and what it can tell, Nicole Marchand-Zañartu brought together fifty-four authors – writers, filmmakers, poets, researchers, historians, musicians, philosophers, etc.

Nicole Marchand-Zañartu Since the 1980s she has been working at the École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle, where she has been in charge of constituting a library and is head of the “human sciences” section. She is the author of “Images de pensées ” published by the Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux in 2011.

Discussion and book signing, Tuesday 19 March 2019 at 7 pm in the educational space. Admission free, first come first served.