Marc Pataut: Proximities
From 18 June to 22 September 2019
Jeu de Paume – Paris
The exhibition by Marc Pataut (born in Paris in 1952) presents a corpus of around fifteen photographic series, some of which are being exhibited for the first time. The artist’s work explores the individual’s relationship both to themselves and to society. His pictures reveal faces, bodies, affiliations and life stories. Linked to specific sites and regions, his projects grow organically over long periods and are nourished by an accumulation of personal and collective experiences.
The exhibition features a selection of his photographic essays produced between 1981 and the present day. This is not a retrospective, however. Rather, it is an artistic proposition focused on his art works and the evolution over time of their political relationships to society, space and territory.
Frequently shaped by debates, exchanges and struggles, his work is a form of social and political thought. The works featured in the exhibition and the accompanying catalogue propose another relationship: that between the artworks and the public.
Curator : Pia Viewing
Exhibition organised by the Jeu de Paume
Media partners: Libération, Médiapart, TSF Jazz
Special thanks to l’Hôtel Élysées Mermoz and Lulu dans ma rue