Photography and the exhibition
Discussion with contributors to the journal Transbordeur
Tuesday 13 February 2018 • 7:00 PM
Jeu de Paume – Paris
Jeu de Paume and Éditions Macula are pleased to invite you to meet contributors to the journal Transbordeur to mark the publication of its second issue, “Photographie et exposition,” edited by Claire-Lise Debluë and Olivier Lugon.
Transbordeur is review specialising in the history of photography. It speaks to all those who are interested in lens-based images, in their history, sociology and technical evolution, their multiple meanings and material forms, their relation to time and history and their circulation; to all those who want to understand the contemporary world through the history of culture; to all those who take a critical and curious interest in the visual phenomena around them. Rather than consider photography from a strictly aesthetic viewpoint, Transbordeur aims to show its reach and role throughout society, to analyse its profound transformation of our relation to the world. Photography has made its mark in education, in science, art, information, business, politics, industry, warfare, transport, and in both private and public space. It has spread to books and the print media, to exhibition design and cinema, to the production of knowledge, to prose and poetry. All these areas of our culture need to be analysed and understood in relation to the photographic image.
Annual review edited by Cristian Joschke and Olivier Lugon.
Editorial board: Estelle Blaschke, Claire-Lise Debluë, Claus Gunti, Christian Joschke, Olivier Lugon, Estelle Sohier.
Discussion on Tuesday 13 February at 7 pm in the Jeu de Paume auditorium, Concorde.
Admission free, first come first served