
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Eleven Blowups # 1 Impression numérique couleur sur papier,
collée directement sur le mur, dimensions variables
Collection de l’artiste
© Sophie Ristelhueber / ADAGP, Paris, 2009


Sophie Ristelhueber

From 20 January to 22 March 2009

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Sophie Ristelhueber (born 1949) lives in Paris, where she studied literature and worked as a journalist before deciding to devote herself to photography.
For more than twenty years now, she has been working on the notion of the territory and its history, by paying special attention to ruins and the traces left by man in places devastated by war. Working far from conventional photojournalism, she focuses on revealing events and the marks of history, both on bodies and on landscapes. She reveals the wounds and scars that are the physical chronicle of trauma.

In this, her first major exhibition in France, Jeu de Paume will present a number of her series – “Beirut,” “Vulaines,” “Fact,” “Eleven Blowups” together with two new films, one of them specially conceived for the show.

Curated by the artist with Marta Gili, director of Jeu de Paume

In partnership with A Nous, De l’Air,, Libération and Paris Première