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SUM ? Ergo sum Incognito !

Dialogic performance of concordant contrariness presented by Delphine Jonas and RYBN.ORG

Friday 16 February 2018 • 8:30 PM

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Eccentric Sensoriality (1969), the last book published by Hausmann before his death, posits the foundations of a future civilisation. A contribution to the utopian spirit of the 1910s-1920s and the 1960s, this remarkably fresh, topical little volume offers a radical vision of progress.
Hausmann’s vision of a future civilisation is based on the idea of expanding man’s innate sensorial capacities. His syncretic thought draws on scientific and para-scientific knowledge, embracing physics, cybernetics, biology, medicine, Western philosophy, psychology and neurosciences, but also cabbala, astrology, esotericism and anthroposophy.

The performance “SUM ? Ergo sum Incognito !” sets out to illustrate and convey the experience of this concept of “eccentric sensoriality.” It seeks to make Hausmann’s text dialogue with contemporary perspectives (cognitive sciences, physics, astrophysics, biology) in order to find points of mutual resonance and echoes, and to consider the various interpretations and extensions that can be made. It seeks to open up a space beyond our physical perceptions, interrogating the perceptions of eccentric sensoriality and its subtle, extra-sensorial and unintelligible potential spaces.

Performance by artist and actor Delphine Jonas and the artistic collective RYBN.ORG in the Jeu de Paume auditorium, Friday 16 February 2018, 8.30–9.30 pm.

Organised as part of the Jeu de Paume and Musée de l’Orangerie late night programme.

3 euros / free with that day’s exhibition ticket.