Photographie encadrée et texte,
film 16 mm transféré en HD,
couleur, silencieux, 11' 30''.
Courtesy de l’artiste et de la galerie
Fortes Vilaça, São Paulo.
© Tamar Guimarães
Tamar Guimarães
Satellite 5 / Curator: Filipa Oliveira / Maison d'art Bernard Anthonioz, Nogent-sur-Marne
From 22 March to 13 May 2012
The work of Tamar Guimarães involves research, appropriation and reconfiguration. Drawn to side-stories and left-overs, she investigates them borrowing methodological approaches from anthropology, sociology, history and film aiming to reveal social-historical and political structures. Her attitude is at heart political, subtly questioning dominant discourse and writing. Reframing existing fragments through a process, which invariably generates poetic tales, Guimarães’ work draws together a wide range of cultural, political and historical narratives.
For her, the archive is perceived not as an enclosed body or a stable space of accumulation but as site of possibilities, of construction and free-association, of memory and fiction. It is within these archives that Guimarães excavates some of what has been buried by the avalanche of History. In tandem with her source material the resulting works are invariably presented in near-obsolete media such as slides, acetate or film.
Tamar Guimarães, Brazilian, born in 1967, lives in Copenhagen.
Curator: Filipa Oliveira
The Fondation nationale des arts graphiques et plastiques (FNAGP) contributes to the production of the works of the Satellite program.
Satellite 5 is organized in collaboration with
The Fondation Calouste Gulbekian, the Instituto Camões
and the Embassy of Portugal in France.
The exhibition is organized with support of the
Danish Arts Council Committees for Visual Art and International Visual Art,
and the Embassy of Brazil in France.
In partnership with art press, paris-art.com and Radio Nova.
Acknowledgments to Sandeman and Ferreira Porto.
> Maison d’art Bernard Anthonioz
16 rue Charles VII
Nogent-sur-Marne (France)