
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

Online creation


As part of Futurs non conformes. #2 Passages à l'acte

From 01 October 2016 to 30 April 2017

Utopies concrètes by Collective is part of the project “Futurs non conformes. #2 Passages à l’acte” for the Jeu de Paume virtual space.

Both a manifesto, a map, a directory and a platform for debate and reflection, is a self-managed online space, a space of liberty that aims to list all the initiatives, venues and projects that provide an alternative to commercial and/or state solutions in order to facilitate contacts between people in favour of alternative actions and develop exchange. It is a collaborative and open research tool; an invitation to become better acquainted with the hundreds of initiatives and movements in Europe: autonomy, self-management, degrowth, transition, resilience, self-build, DIY, hackers, ecosocialism, cooperatives, activism, the commons, convivialism, ecofeminism, anarchism, the third place, heterotopia, sobriété heureuse (happy sobriety), civil disobedience and many more.


Utopies Concrètes is a self-managed, thematic website for the archival and pooling (outside Google, Facebook, Twitter) of those collectives, medias, revues, festivals, documentaries and books of which we are fond. Utopies Concrètes is a group-written manifesto that federates the energy of each individual member. It is an extensible manifesto to define what we are fighting against and what is closest to our hearts, to formulate our political and philosophical positions and to explain in detail the points of discord and convergence.