Friends of Jeu de Paume

Who are we?

We are a group of art lovers and committed collectors with a passion for images. By joining us, you can help enhance the Jeu de Paume’s standing and reach. With the Friends of the Jeu de Paume:

  • You are involved with the programme elaborated by Quentin Bajac.
  • You help produce exhibitions.
  • You enjoy previews of exhibitions, in the company of the artists and curators.
  • You take part in events organised by the Friends: video evenings focusing on a particular collection, Friends’ dinners, the programme of monthly activities. But also video conferences, discussions, and special trips to exhibitions and events in France and Europe.
  • Enjoy priority access to the Jeu de Paume and its exhibitions, symposiums, screenings, film programme, art history courses, etc.

Highlights of the association

Previews for the Friends of Jeu de Paume :
For each new exhibition, the Friends of the Jeu de Paume are invited to a preview on the day before the public opening, accompanied by the artists and curators.

Production support by Benefactors:
Benefactors are Friends who are particularly committed to new work and support the Jeu de Paume’s commissioning programme for young artists.

The Friends’ Dinner:
Since 2015, the Friends of the Jeu de Paume, directors of institutions, collectors and patrons have got together with Alain Dominique Perrin, President of the Jeu de Paume and Quentin Bajac, Director of the Jeu de Paume, for the annual Friends’ dinner in the museum, surrounded by artworks.

Support from the Friends:
The Friends support the Jeu de Paume and become vital protagonists in the development and realization of numerous projects such as catalogues, exhibitions and support for young artists.

what we do

Being a Friend of Jeu de Paume means getting a sneak preview of what’s going on in the art world.

It also means a dedicated cultural programme: private visits to studios and exhibitions, alongside artists and curators, both in galleries and institutions, as well as a programme of meetings and online conferences. It also includes trips in France and abroad.

Board of Directors

Solange Salem-Rein, President
Sophie Gonzalez , Vice President
Nathalie Mamane-Cohen, Vice-President
Cécilia Hurstel, Secretary General
Jean-Conrad Lemaître, Treasurer
Marion Angebault, member of the board, in charge of cultural programming
Dominique Jacquemin, Board member, in charge of cultural programming
Maya Gruninger, Administrator
Géraldine Lazorthes-Meyer, Administrator
Denis Salama, Administrator
Joseph Zimbaldi, Administrator

how to join us?

Rosalie Mouzard
From Tuesday to Thursday


Aucun événement à venir trouvé.


Aucune séance disponible.
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