Legal notices
Association loi 1901
1 place de la Concorde
75001 Paris
SIRET 477 612 964 00015
TVA Intracommunautaire FR 09 477 612 964
01 47 03 12 50
Editorial directors
Alain Dominique Perrin, president of Jeu de Paume
Quentin Bajac, director of Jeu de Paume
Conception and implementation
Website designed by Hands agency
Maintenance and development : Big District
Benjamin Meyer, digital communications coordinator
Intellectual property
With the exception of strictly private, personal use, any reproduction, total or partial representation, use, adaptation, making available or alteration of the downloadable works, images, texts, documents, video or audio files on the website, by whatever process, and by whatever person and for whatever purpose (notable sale, marketing, etc.), made without the express authorisation of the Jeu de Paume or any authors or rights holders is strictly forbidden and constitutes an infringement under the code of intellectual property.
Hypertext links
Creation of a hypertext link to content on the Jeu de Paume website or one of its elements is authorised on condition that:
- this content opens in a new window.
- this indicates the sources by means of a direct hypertext link to the content concerned.
- this information is not used for commercial or advertising purposes.
This authorisation does not apply to websites containing information of a provocative, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or that might offend public sensibility in any other way.
The website contains numerous links to other sites, mainly of an official nature (institutions, public bodies, etc.) but also associations or partner companies. These webpages, whose addresses are regularly checked, are not part of the public and official site
The Jeu de Paume is not responsible for the contents of these other sites, and cannot be held responsible for any damages or prejudice caused by them.
© All rights reserved for all the visuals, texts and layout designs on the website and database.