
Jeu de Paume in Paris is closed until 28 September 2024 due to the Olympic Games. Visit our exhibitions in Tours, Reims and Paris Plages.

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Affiche mat - Johan van der Keuken © Jeu de Paume


Johan van der Keuken

The Rhythm of Images

From 16 June to 17 September 2023

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Jeu de Paume is paying tribute to the work of Johan van der Keuken (1938–2001), a Dutch filmmaker and photographer, with a major retrospective, to be held from 16 June to 17 September 2023.

The exhibition features over a hundred vintage prints, from Dutch and French collections, in dialogue with a small selection of short films by Johan van der Keuken (1938–2001) spanning his entire oeuvre from 1955 to 2000. It includes original dummies of some of his best-known photographic books, which are being shown in France for the first time. A short programme of full-length films provides a deeper understanding of his life-long engagement with the image.

Throughout his life, van der Keuken studied movement and rhythm through photography and film. His photographic work was marked by the early days of direct cinema. His oeuvre highlights power structures and deconstructs habitual forms of visual language and narrative

Van der Keuken’s acute sense of observation and strong desire to represent a very direct, impulsive and sometimes violent contact with reality are characteristic aspects of the evolution in his work. His experimental, free style of editing is closely linked to the rhythm of music and sound, with contrasting fragments being juxtaposed to create a new visual language.

Exhibition organised by the Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam, in collaboration with Jeu de Paume.
Curators: Frits Gierstberg, curator at the Nederlands Fotomuseum, Rotterdam
& Pia Viewing, curator at Jeu de Paume.
The Neuflize OBC Foundation has chosen to support this exhibition.
With the help of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in France.
Associated media: Paris Premiere.